Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I am kinda dealing with a lot of emotions right now. I moved out of my parents house over a month ago, and since then I haven't really been back except to pick up things when they weren't home (not planned that way), or I saw them when they stop by my work. Tomorrow I am going back to my parents house for a bake day with my mama. I feel homesick and slightly scared. I don't know what they are going to say, or if they are going to say anything at all about my lifestyle. On top of it all my aunt called me the other day, very pissed off, which confused me to no end. I don't know. I just want Thanksgiving to be over. I want whatever drama I have with my aunt to be done. I didn't intentionally start drama but I think she wants to get the family to stop looking at her daughters fuck ups and look at mine. Whatever. Also. I am fucking sick and tired of never having alone time with Him. She is always around and never fucking goes to bed even if she has to get up at 4:30. Then she complains that she is tired. Duh. I'm His girlfriend too. You don't have to know about all the fucking alone time we have. I give you and Him plenty of alone time. It is starting to really piss me off. Like last night I didn't have to be up early, and I was cuddling with Him and she came in. I finally just left, took a shower, and went to bed to give them space. But she never reciprocates. Almost every night I have spent in His room she has thrown a fit, and had a long drawn out repetitive conversation with Him. It exhausts me and I don't like to see Him hurt. Ugh.