Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I am kinda dealing with a lot of emotions right now. I moved out of my parents house over a month ago, and since then I haven't really been back except to pick up things when they weren't home (not planned that way), or I saw them when they stop by my work. Tomorrow I am going back to my parents house for a bake day with my mama. I feel homesick and slightly scared. I don't know what they are going to say, or if they are going to say anything at all about my lifestyle. On top of it all my aunt called me the other day, very pissed off, which confused me to no end. I don't know. I just want Thanksgiving to be over. I want whatever drama I have with my aunt to be done. I didn't intentionally start drama but I think she wants to get the family to stop looking at her daughters fuck ups and look at mine. Whatever. Also. I am fucking sick and tired of never having alone time with Him. She is always around and never fucking goes to bed even if she has to get up at 4:30. Then she complains that she is tired. Duh. I'm His girlfriend too. You don't have to know about all the fucking alone time we have. I give you and Him plenty of alone time. It is starting to really piss me off. Like last night I didn't have to be up early, and I was cuddling with Him and she came in. I finally just left, took a shower, and went to bed to give them space. But she never reciprocates. Almost every night I have spent in His room she has thrown a fit, and had a long drawn out repetitive conversation with Him. It exhausts me and I don't like to see Him hurt. Ugh.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Well I don't really have that many of my own fantasies...

The only couple that I can think of that are actually mine would be:

1) being pushed up against the wall and kissed passionately, with Your hands holding mine above my head so I can't touch You, and making out and wanting desperately to touch You but not being allowed to.

2) Same as above but when we are having sex being told to put my hands above my head on the bed or somewhere and not being allowed to move them without getting punished

3) I kind of want to be out in public on my own and then randomly getting kidnapped (although...being kidnapped is one of my greatest fears) and then being forced to give some guy (who would ultimately be You (because I don't want to give anyone head but You)) head, and then having sex and then eventually finding out that it's You all along.

4) I know I mentioned it on here before but sometime I want to be spanked with whatever until I cry. Idk why.

I feel like I have really boring fantasies.

After looking online I came up with another couple situations that would be fun to have:

-Threesome with two guys and me
 (kinda already did this with You and B.S. however...i don't really want to do anything with him anymore. I just don't want to hurt his feelings by telling him. It's nothing that he did, I just really don't want to make Issac jealous (it really,really makes me really sad thinking about hurting him or You). I know B.S. wants to hang out soon though, because that's why he told me to make time this summer. I know we have an open relationship and that's okay, but if I do things with other people I want it to be with other girls at the moment)

- I never really had any fantasies involving Ali. I know now that she has had fantasies involving me, and that's fine. I agree with her point of view that we are "safe" play partners for each other. I am really glad You will be there though because I do think she could easily take it too far. Also...if You are teaching her...does that mean I need to submit to her? Because if You want me to that's another story but if it's just her trying to assert her dominance over me...I can tend to be stubborn and strong-willed. If I am allowed to, I will not make it easy on her. Unless You tell me to.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Character Biography :)


Here is my character biography thing :) and yes I realize posting it on here is kind of copying Megan but whatever :)

Birth Name: Adelayde Rayne Synclayre

Nickname(s): Not really any. Answers to DeDe though, and Addie (only a select few can call her that, like her brother and close family). On the street she tends to go by Rayne.

Nova Name: Psyonica

Age: 19

Birthdate: Feburary 29

Gender: Female

Appearance: 5'1, super fit, waist length chestnut-dark reddish, brown hair with natural wavy curls. She also has two bright blue streaks in her hair that are always perfectly colored and matching her outfit. Her face has a few freckles and has the perfect complexion, she never needs to wear makeup. Basically she can get down and dirty and accomplish things but always looks well put together. Always has perfectly shaped eyebrows.

Born: Paragon City

Location: Lived in Paragon City all her life until the fateful day of the shimmery wall :)

Profession: She never went to college, (only finished high school) so doesn't really have one. Since she has been on the streets for so long that's how she gets money and knows her way around.

Education: Graduated high school with a 4.0. Despite never attending regularly Everyone wanted her to go to college but she rebelled and went back to the streets, roaming around.

Hobbies and Interests: She loves going for long walks in the underground caverns, this is her best thinking spot. She likes to work on her skills so if she is bored she is probably downtown intimidating people and trying to see what she can get out of them. That is partly to maintain her "tough" persona and not let her lose her edge. Recently she has gotten into computer hacking and tries to practice that as much as she can safely without being discovered.

Disposition and Personality: Adelayde comes off as the ultimate bad ass chick who knows what she wants and exactly how to get it. She isn't above using her powers to getting what she wants. She can be super nice and sweet until she gets pissed off and then her vengeful side kicks in. She doesn't think she needs anyone else to help her once she has a new situation all figured out.

Weaknesses/Faults: Over-confidence, vengeful (if anyone crosses her path she will get them back and make them regret it), addiction (once she finds something she likes she tends to overdo it), when she does commit a crime she always leaves a trademark of a pink flower, she has an intolerance of those she perceives as being weak (so nerds)

Pet Peeves: People who are weak (or people she perceives as weak), people who oppose to randomly getting naked, those who follow blindly and always do what they are told to do when they are told to do it

Fears: the color pink,  being discovered that she really isn't a bad ass chick but super sensitive instead.

Guilty Pleasures: Adelayde would never admit it but one of her hobbies is collecting flowers and pressing them in old books.

Prized Possessions: A pearl hair clip that was her mothers that is always in her hair pulling one side of her hair loosely back.

Bad Habits: Addicted to winning at strip poker (sent to rehab a few years ago and still trying to reform her habit, and hey...it actually works with addiction!!)

Proudest Accomplishments: Graduating high school because everyone said she would fail.

Secret Talents: Tying a cherry stem with her teeth.

Typical Clothing: Nice jeans with some sort of design on the ass, hidden flak jacket, black zip up jacket and bright blue bra/top thing (similar to a sports bra but not quite), and bright blue matching high top converse with bright blue matching socks with light blue polka dot socks.

Physical Mannerisms: Her arms are always crossed, eyes hard always looking around and being aware of her surroundings. Because of her past if she is in a room full of people her back is usually to a wall.

Accent?: None

Languages: English

Most comfortable in _____ location: Any of the underground caverns that are accessed through any of the back alley ways. This is where she "recharges" and spends time alone

Family: Adelayde's mother died when she was young. Her father remarried and her step mother was jealous of Adelayde's relationship with her father ans decided she wanted to get rid of Adelayde. Her brother ran away from home to go live on the streets and work with their cousin when Adelayde left for boarding school.

Biography: After bang sent away to boarding school Adelayde started running away for weeks on end to go learn life in the streets with her brother and cousin. Her cousin gave her the flak jacket that she wears all the time because he was worried for her safety. Every couple of weeks Adelayde would go back to school, pass a few tests and then escape again. Her friends covered for her (mostly because of intimidation and Adelayde would bring them back contraband such as music from the "outside world" and chocolate, both of which were outlawed at the school. This trend continued to graduation, with the exception of Christmas breaks in which she was forced to go back to her father and step-mothers house where her step mother tried to "civilize" her and make her into a proper young lady. After graduation high school with a 4.0 she refused to apply to college and went back to the hood to work with her brother and cousin who were big into computer hacking at the time. She picked up these skills as well as learning the back alleys and streets of Paragon. She would often be told she was annoying and a bother by her cousins friends so she would sneak around (this is how she got amazing at stealth) and kick their asses after they would leave using her mental powers. She discovered her powers early on in life after her father remarried because she would often practice acting sweet and innocent while trying her best to give her step mother a headache. Once she discovered it actually worked she used it on everyone. Since there were no apparent consequences this is how her powers were used until she found herself in the new world. In learning that mental powers were highly frowned upon this made her contemplate her approach and has been attempting to think of ways to still use her powers.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


So today we had game and I talked less than I have in recent game sessions. Opps. I was just a bit distracted. And horny. I was first and foremost distracted by the umm...dog cage that was behind me and the multiple um opportunities that a cage could bring about. Part of the time was fantasizing how it would be to be locked in when i have been bad and how many ways i could come up with to make being in a cage more difficult either for myself or anyone else who may ever get locked in a cage. (Not You Sir...but apparently since i am "in charge" when You aren't around...yeah...)

First of all the person (me or whoever) would get in backwards or be facing the entrance however that worked out. And then depending on how long they would be in there handcuffs would be either put through the top of the cage to make it very uncomfortable offer shorter time periods or through the front for longer and more sustainable longer sessions. Leg cuffs would be threaded through the cage so that the caged persons ankles would be against each side of the cage. Also depending on how evil the punisher is feeling there could be different rod-type things threaded through the cage to make it more uncomfortable. Also remote control vibrators or butt plugs or vibrates could also be used. So that is what I was thinking about when I wasn't thinking about showing off my characters tits for peace or thinking about strip poker.

My other thought that I was having to control was my incredible desire to crawl over to You and to suck Your cock. I was entirely tempted to, Sir, and had to restrain myself from fulfilling that desire many times.  I think I main,y wanted to because it would have been perfect...had it not been in front of 4 other people at game. But the table was the right height and everything!

Also...sometime we should play strip poker for real. Or make cards against humanity a stripping game. Where the winner of each round either gets to chose who loses an article of clothing or everyone but the winner loses clothing. That. Sounds epic!!!

Monday, May 20, 2013


Although You probably already know this here is a list of things I really like:

1) Cuddling
2) Wearing Your shirt. I loved waking up the other day and having it on...felt like I was in Your arms even though I wasn't
3) Wearing Your jacket :)
4) Distracting You:) it's really fun :)
5) Bing naked
6) Sex outside
7) Shower time with You
8) Sex
9) Being with You
10) falling asleep cuddling watching You play Skyrim

:) I love You Sir!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Within one month I lost 10 pounds! :) whoot whoot!!! Also I want to start a sugar detox next week. I'm still trying to convince myself I can do it though. Yay! Time to start a new month and losing another 10lbs! :) I guess now technically I can order something I want off of amazon but I think I am going to be smart and wait for that. I don't really need it right now nor do I have anywhere to put anything huge lol.

Study break over. Back to homework and maybe I can take a nap before I leave lol

i love You Sir!!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Lazy Saturday...it has been great!

I can officially say you have never really given head until it makes you dizzy (at least a little bit) lol :)  Sir i think that the last time i gave You head has been my favorite :) and the fact that You said i blew Your mind was pretty awesome too :)

After I got home a couple nights ago I was thinking about how far I have come in almost a year. I used to "play" all the time, and then when I met You that time cut down considerably. Then I had "unlimited access" for a couple months and that was cool. Now though I am super glad and excited when You limit me to one or two. Of course I often want more but if I had three hours or some other long period of time like I have gotten in the past then I feel like I would have to increase my average number of orgasms per hour. And then it stresses me out which obviously doesn't help. So yes, I love when You limit me to one or two. I have sometimes considered asking for more but then it's usually late at night and its just as easy to fall asleep lol.


I love You Sir!