Saturday, April 27, 2013

Rest Day!!

Oh thank god today is rest day. It hurts to move and I haven't even moved very much today. Also. I need to get back to being able to sleep past 10 AM.

Um there's a slight problem. I dreamed about game last night. And Your character was tied down and then I went all bad ass and saved You and then Your character and Big Steve's character were fighting over who could fuck me. Needless to say...I was slightly confused when I woke up. Lol

Thank You for being patient with me.
Thank You for doings what's best although it may not be what I want.
Even when I just want to cuddle forever amd ever thank You for sending me home when it is late and I am tired.
Thank You for sitting with me and helping me fix my character last night. And making her all bad ass!
Thank You for not getting mad when I don't get the movie references, You just fix it and put the movie on. :)
Thank You for loving me even when I'm a dork, and tired, and call hoods helmets :)

I love You Sir! :)

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