Thursday, April 18, 2013

Anne of Green Gables

Recently I have been making my way again through the Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea movies. I watched them weekly as a child and they are still two of my favorite movies. There were several things I noticed and caught that I didn't think I had ever seen before.

1) The first was figuring out what the actors and actresses actually say at certain parts. I feel so much more enlightened knowing what they are saying lol

2)  Another thing I realized was Anne really inspired my future career of teaching. I want to be a teacher like her and inspire my students like she inspired hers. The way that she helps her students and has memorable times together is what I am looking forward to.

3) I have always known about this part but actually re-seeing Gilbert smack Anne's ass with the riding crop made me smile and laugh. Maybe that part affected my brain than I would have guessed before? Lol :)

So I thought I posted this yesterday but obviously...I didn't. I feel like I haven't been home the past couple days although I know I have.

Oh. I want to have sex in jello in a bathtub. Thank you Nickleback! (Pretty please?!?!?)


Oh. Je.Ka.: when are we going to Prince Edward Island????

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