Sunday, April 14, 2013


Today has been another emotions-crazed day. At one point I was about to buy a bus ticket and travel cross country  just to run away. However after one of my friends yelled at me and told me she would chase after me I didn't think it would work out too well for me. Especially once my Dom would have found out. Ai yi yi. It would have not been good. So yeah. This was totally not what I had planned to write about today but that's okay. Another thing that was upsetting me today was the fact that I don't feel pretty enough to be in one of my best friends wedding. She was a cheerleader in high school and so were some of her other best friends. I don't look like them. I'm bigger than them and have a different view of life. So instead of being at her bridal shower today I was home in bed bawling my eyes out. It was a good cleansing cry, although I still feel on the verge of tears. It's okay. Tomorrow I get to see Him and that always makes everything better!

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