Tuesday, April 16, 2013

OMG! So good!

I got sex last night/this morning! And cuddles. This cuddle and sex addict is a happy girl. I'm also realizing that no matter how many hours I spend in His arms I always want more :)

Plus I figured out what I am doing for His birthday :) lets just say it will be good! ;)

I also got tried out a couple new sex positions last night and it was HOTTT :)

To say that sex has taken over my mind today would be an understatement. I also bought a sex positions book. And I am super excited to try out new positions! My Dom is more experienced in sex than I am so I hope to try out a position with Him that's new for Him as well :)

I realized last night I need to work on my thigh strength. Oh good lord. So I will be doing squats for the next 1,000 years if anyone needs me.

I love it when He tells me He loves me :) :) :) I blush easily anyways but it makes me shy and smile and its just a really great feeling! I never want to lose that! :) :) :)

I ordered new bedding the other day. Hopefully it comes tomorrow! I want to have sex on it! Plus I am really close to maxing out my credit card so I can go buy Liberator sex pillow things. Oh good god. They look like they would provide so many hours of happy fucking! I may have to splurge and go for it! Might as well haha maybe I'll start with one and slowly add more to my collection. Any suggestions for the ones that are your favorite?

I KNOW!!! I will order one set when I lose 10 pounds!!!!!! Now I have a fuck ton of motivation!!! Helllll yeah baby!

Well I will talk to y'all later!


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