Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thighs. Are. Killing. Me.

Day 2 of 30 day squat challenge and my thighs are killing me. Oh good god. I don't see how I will make it through the next 28 days. I also laid outside topless for an hour. It was heavenly. I better get tan is all I have to say about that. Also I lost 4lbs in a week and IDK how on earth that happened. It kinda makes me scared to eat now because I don't want to gain it all back lol 

Psych is amazing but I am craving watching NCIS. It has almost been a month since I have seen it. I miss it more than my reality shows. Speaking of reality tv doesn't wrestling count as reality??? The only time I watch it is with You and You obviously know what I am watching when I'm with You but still. I hope that doesn't count against the whole two months without reality television! 

I'm horny. Definitely horny. I want to get my sleeping schedule back to normal soon so I can see You soon. :D i really want cuddles and cock Sir!!!!


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